Leading change means leading people.

30+ hours of in-person training and coaching

  • 5 Day In-Person Workshops

    Workshop 1: What the evidence says about leadership

    Workshop 2: The secrets of motivating your people.

    Workshop 3: Charismatic & transformational leadership

    Workshop 4: Leading change in the era of disruption.

    Workshop 5: Preparing for change and developing your people.

  • Psychometric Profiling

    Using a British Psychological Society approved leading psychometric profiling tool, followed by a one-to-one coaching session with a qualified coach, you will learn about how you may respond to leading disruptive change and potential areas of development, developing strategies for change resilience.

  • One-to-one Coaching

    The program includes 4 one-to-one coaching sessions in addition to the psychometric feedback. These coaching sessions with Stephen, the lead tutor and a qualified coach will help you to set goals related to current change or those about to come.