Without change there is no growth
Over 30 hours of learner - tutor, CPD certified contact time, including workshops, coaching and psychometric assessment
Learning Objectives
Workshop 1: What the Evidence Says About Leading People and Change
Upon completion of this part of the program you will be able to:
Define the concept of leadership in a modern team or organisational setting.
Complete an analysis of your own leadership qualities, strengths, and development areas.
Identify practical leadership behaviours that delivers results.
Use evidence-based research to identify leadership qualities that deliver performance in modern organizational settings.
Use a set of effective management competences as a way to maintain ongoing personal development.
Explain the utility and purpose of a psychometric profile and the science behind it.
Set yourself clear goals and objectives for the People & Change Leadership Programme.
Workshop 2: The Secrets of Motivating Your People
Upon completion of this part of the program you will be able to:
Notice different types of motivation in yourself and others
Leverage fundamental psychological needs to increase levels of team motivation.
Identify the link between motivation and personal agency.
Recognise the need for a sense of belonging and its relationship to motivation.
Influence levels of motivation through increasing team members’ sense of competence and skills.
Avoid pitfalls that lead to the demotivation of your people such as beliefs about equity and fairness.
Identify and apply job design and redesign methods to increase levels of motivation.
Draw upon the 30 years of Goal Setting research to increase levels of motivation.
Workshop 3: Charismatic and Transformational Leadership.
Upon completion of this part of the program you will be able to:
Define and explain what it means to be transformational and charismatic.
Explain the link between individual self-esteem and willingness to work in a transformational environment.
Identify the link between the self-concept, motivation and charismatic leadership.
Identify the link between the self-esteem of the team member and charismatic leadership.
Use practical transformational techniques to increase levels of motivation.
Identify the importance of ‘vision’ to charismatic and transformational leadership.
Identify and use symbolic communication to signal charisma.
Workshop 4: Leading Change in the Era of Disruption
Upon completion of this part of the program you will be able to:
Identify how change is defined and understood as episodic or continuous and the different approaches used in each.
Identify and challenge common assumptions and misconceptions about change.
Use a simple improvement process to plan a change project.
Demonstrate understanding of the importance of clear organisational and team reasons for the change.
Use a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods to understand the current state.
Generate a vision and work with the team and organization to set goals.
Identify actions and plan.
Review and sustain the change.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses in a variety of change approaches.
Identify something better than buy-in to get engagement with the change.
Workshop 5: Preparing for Change & Developing Your People
Upon completion of this part of the program you will be able to:
As part of the final exercise, complete a plan for a specific change programme, involving increased levels of automation and/or Artificial Intelligence.
Explain why learning is such a critical feature in change projects.
Describe the three learning domains of Bloom and how people learn in each of them.
Use evidence based, learning techniques that work, as part of a change programme.
Identify the benefits of taking a coaching approach when it comes to change.
Frame the programme so far and plan for the next phase of activity.
Psychometric Report & Feedback
Upon completion of this part of the program you will have:
Increased awareness of personal behavioural traits related to the leadership of people and change.
Identified areas of potential strengths and weaknesses in dealing with personal feelings, anxieties, concerns etc in relation to change.
Identification of developmental opportunities available through the programme and areas of focus over the course of the coaching sessions.
Increasing awareness of other people’s personality traits and differences, and a greater understanding of team members’ possible behaviours and reasons for this.
Develop possible personal strategies for coping with and managing change.
Identifying areas of strength on which to build.
Increase flexibility of behaviour especially around change.
Coaching Sessions X 4
Upon completion of this part of the program you will have:
Identified personal developmental goal/s in relation to leading people and change
Clarity on why personal development is required/desirable in this area.
Increased personal understanding about the current performance in this area.
Identified ways of measuring and assessing current performance and changes required.
Identified performance or behavioural gaps to target.
Created a SMART goal (quantitative and/or qualitative).
Identified and committed to specific actions.
Planned actions and changes.
Reflected upon actions and changes.
Completed a personal assessment of areas of improvement and ongoing development.